Birthday and Snowtrip!

Well my birthday is basically right now. Yay! I'm very excited. Im ready to tackle on this new age head on. And Happy Birthday to all of you who are born on this day like I am! I feel very blessed having family and friends that care even if aren't very large in numbers. Some of my clients even greeted me! which is even cooler haha.

Anyway yesterday Me and some friends of mine from church went out to Boreal to go snowboarding. I had a BLAST! it was so much fun. Pretty scary going all the way up to cause I'm a little afraid of heights but going down that slope wasnt so bad at all actually. I just rode down it way too many times for my own good haha, I also saw some random people that I knew!

Well here are some shots. I will put up more later because I am a little tired.

My portrait, Just on the way there or the way home =)

In N' Out yumm

The right arrow is where I go up to, and the left arrow is where I go down. It was petty tiring and im still sore!
Hope you guys enjoyed the shots!


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