II viaggio di un bel posto

The trip to a beautiful place, Part one of two

As some of you may know, I had an awesome trip to Rome last week. I just want to say, I highly recommend taking a vacation there. It was really amazing being around so much art. everything was so artistic. To the buildings that simply stood everywhere around you. To the ground that you just strolled across. Every inch embossed with time and art from someone that was passionate about what they do. But ill get into more detail about that on the part 2. Here are some shots for your eyes to feed on. I know they aren't wedding pictures or anything related but I find more of who I am as a photographer as i shoot. So maybe you can enjoy the experience of seeing my style change..or not change. I really hope you enjoy them as I do.

Here is a picture of a little girl just being.. a little girl haha. She was just running across the flock of pigeon's. A lady in the back gave her son about 3-5yrs old some bird food to feed the pigeon's and he started eating it. lol he was probably half way done before his mother found out. It was pretty cute haha

So in Rome there are things like these just constantly flowing with water. Never ending. And I was so amazed when a person walked up and took a swig! I was like no way! thats drinking water. Some local person told me those fountains have been there for decades. And I wouldnt be suprised if some Romans from Jesus' time drank from that same fountain.

Here is a little praying podium in the Vatican Church. What an amazing place. I lived right around the corner from the Vatican Obelisk. Anyway being able to be there and experiencing the Renaissance Art was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I feel that most of my life I've been sooo into modern art. But this trip has definitely opened my eyes. I feel that im more into Modernistic Furnitures and not into Modernistic Art. If you saw the modern at section in the Vatican Museum you would understand why. And to think about you NEVER EVER hear about the modern art in the Vatican. Just about Micheal Angelo and the Sistine Chapel. so more about that on the next blog.

I hope you enjoyed them!


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